Highly flowable floor levelling for the subsequent installation of various floor coverings

1 Primer
3 Protective measures

4 Floor covering

The KÖSTER self-leveling floor system provides a comprehensive solution for creating a durable and perfectly smooth substrate, ready for the installation of the final flooring. The process begins with the application of KÖSTER SL Primer- a transparent, low-viscosity primer with a slightly sticky surface. This primer reduces the absorbency of mineral surfaces such as concrete and screed, equalizing differential absorbency rates and minimizing bubbling when applying self-leveling products. It is solvent, plasticizer, filler-free, water-resistant, and remains effective even after curing. For non-porous substrates, KÖSTER VAP I 06 Primer is used. This water-based, one-component bonding agent dries quickly, creates an excellent bond, and is both water and alkali-resistant.

Next, KÖSTER SL, a high-quality, fast-setting mineral underlayment is applied. This product hardens tension-free to create a smooth, level surface within hours, ready to receive subsequent flooring systems. It is easy to mix, pour, and spread, and is self-leveling and highly flow-able during application. KÖSTER SL can cover areas from 5 to 15 mm in thickness, and can be feathered out to 2 mm. It hardens crack-free with a high compressive strength and excellent adhesion to the substrate. Following the self-leveling application, a vapor barrier or footfall sound insulation is installed to ensure a flawless and durable surface before the final installation of wooden or laminate flooring, resulting in a flawless and durable finish.

Always adhere to the specifications of the respective Technical Data Sheets.



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